Frank Erwin Center
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Frank Erwin Center Concerts

Frank Erwin Center is one of the most exciting places to see live music in Austin, if not all of the United States. A number of the world's greatest performers and events have graced the stage at Frank Erwin Center. Notable past performers include George Strait, Adele, Lady Gaga, and many more fan favorites.

Frank Erwin Center Concert Tickets

With 16,755 seats to choose from, there is a ticket option for everyone at Frank Erwin Center. On average, Frank Erwin Center concert tickets cost $202 , but this can change from artist to artist. For instance, George Strait concert tickets at Frank Erwin Center resell for an average of $386 , while concert tickets to an Adele show at the venue will run fans about $451 on average.

Additional Frank Erwin Center Concert Information

SeatGeek offers a Frank Erwin Center seating chart to make sure music fans can get the best seat in the house. There are also "seat view" previews from every section to give fans a look at the view they will have before making a purchase.

For a look at other concerts taking place in Austin across all of the great venues the city has to offer, visit our Austin concert tickets page.