Bill Burr

Bill Burr Tickets

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Bill Burr

About Bill Burr Tickets

You know your friend who spends all his time talking about how political correctness is ruining society? And you know how he’s incredibly unfunny? Okay, imagine if he were funny—really, really funny—and that’s Bill Burr. With a skeptical, masculine sensibility and little regard for who he offends, Burr has cemented his status as a comedy legend in recent years after a long career as a comedian’s comedian. He’s a Massachusetts boy, if you couldn’t tell by his accent, and he got his start in the Boston stand-up scene in 1992. Of course, all roads lead to New York for comics on the Eastern seaboard, and Burr moved to the Big Apple in 1995. That’s where he cut his teeth as a stand-up, becoming a regular at the city’s foremost comedy clubs and forming friendships with other talented comedians. Slowly but surely, Bill Burr started to reach a wider audience beyond New Yorkers and serious comedy heads. In 2004, he appeared in three episodes of the wildly popular Chappelle’s Show, and in 2008 he was a voice actor in the iconic Grand Theft Auto video game series. That same year, he landed his first stand-up special, titled Why Do I Do This? It was the first of his now five stand-up specials, with the most recent, Walk Your Way Out, dropping on Netflix in 2017. Furthering his propensity for appearing on some of the greatest television programs of all time, he played the role of Kuby in five episodes of Breaking Bad. In 2017, Rolling Stone named him the 17th best comedian of all-time. All. Time.

How much are Bill Burr tickets?

There are no upcoming events for Bill Burr. Check back later for new event dates!

How to get cheap Bill Burr tickets?

There are no upcoming events for Bill Burr. Check back later for new event dates!

What is the runtime for Bill Burr?

In general, shows run anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours long. Check out the Bill Burr official website for full show information, including runtime, intermissions and encores.

Where can I buy Bill Burr tickets?

You can buy Bill Burr tickets on SeatGeek!

  1. Browse the above listings of Bill Burr tickets to find a show you would like to attend. Once you find the perfect date and show time, click on the button on the right hand side of the event to see all available tickets for that show.

  2. Next, explore all available Bill Burr tickets on the left hand side of the screen. Filters at the top of the page allow tickets to be sorted by price, or by SeatGeek’s Deal Score feature, which ranks tickets by value and tells you exactly how good of a deal you're looking at. On the right hand side, you can explore SeatGeek’s interactive maps to find the perfect seating section, and to get a preview of what a view from a seat in that section will look like.

  3. To buy Bill Burr tickets, click the ticket listing and you will be directed to SeatGeek’s checkout process to complete the information fields.

  4. SeatGeek will process your order and deliver your Bill Burr tickets.

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