
  • Find tickets to Chicago - The Musical - New York on Saturday June 29 at 2:30 pm at Ambassador Theatre in New York, NY
  • Find tickets to Chicago - The Musical - New York on Saturday June 29 at 8:00 pm at Ambassador Theatre in New York, NY
  • Find tickets to Chicago - The Musical - New York on Sunday June 30 at 2:00 pm at Ambassador Theatre in New York, NY
  • Find tickets to Chicago - The Musical - New York on Sunday June 30 at 7:00 pm at Ambassador Theatre in New York, NY
  • Find tickets to Chicago - The Musical - New York on Monday July 1 at 7:00 pm at Ambassador Theatre in New York, NY
  • Find tickets to Chicago - The Musical - New York on Tuesday July 2 at 7:00 pm at Ambassador Theatre in New York, NY
  • Find tickets to Chicago - The Musical - New York on Wednesday July 3 at 2:00 pm at Ambassador Theatre in New York, NY
  • Find tickets to Chicago - The Musical - New York on Wednesday July 3 at 7:00 pm at Ambassador Theatre in New York, NY
  • Find tickets to Chicago - The Musical - New York on Friday July 5 at 8:00 pm at Ambassador Theatre in New York, NY
  • Find tickets to Chicago - The Musical - New York on Saturday July 6 at 2:30 pm at Ambassador Theatre in New York, NY

Ambassador Theatre Seating Chart/Seat Map Details

We take great care in providing the most accurate seating charts/seat maps since it can be very difficult to find the right seats without a proper seating chart. When possible, we’ll provide you with photos of actual seat views from different locations in a venue. You can go to our Ambassador Theatre seat views page to see them. Ambassador Theatre can hold up to 1,155 people but that's a lot of seats and therefore a lot of potential seat views. We wish we had all 1,155 individual seat views for Ambassador Theatre but we don't, therefore the seat views we show are usually a sample from different sections in a venue.

Every seating chart/seat map at Ambassador Theatre can be a little different, therefore it's probably a good idea to double check you're looking at the one that matches the event you're attending. If not, you can always choose a different seating chart from the list above.

Or, if you’re done with seating charts and just want to see other events in New York, check out one of the pages below:

If you'd like to discover other live events at Ambassador Theatre, we've got you covered: